Lecture 2: More types, Methods, Conditionals
Mismatched Types
Java verifies that types always match.
Conversion by casting(强制类型转换)
int a = 2; //a = 2
double a = 2; // a = 2.0 (Implicit)
int a = 18.7; //Error
int a = (int)18.7; // a = 18
double a = 2/3; // a = 0.0
double a = (double)2/3
Multiple Parameters
void means "no type"Return Values
Variable Scope 变量作用域
Variables live in the block({}) where they are defined (scope).
Method parameters are like defining a new variable in the method.
Methods: Building Blocks
- Big programs are built out of small methods.
- Methods can be individually developed, tested and reused.
- User of method does not need to know how it works.
- In CS, this is called "abstraction".