Lecture 6: Design, Debugging, Interfaces
A good program
- Correct / no errors
- Easy to understand
- Easy to modify / extend
- Good performance(speed)
- writing code with a consistent way makes it easier to write and understand
Good Naming
● variables: Nouns, lowercase first letter, capitals separating words ● Methods: Verbs, then same with variavles ● Classed: Nouns, uppercase first letter.
Good Class Design
● Make fields and methods private by default ● Only make methods public if you need to ● If you need access to a field, create a method; 将field字段private是之前没有考虑的 public int getBar(){return bar;}
Design: Pseudocode(伪代码)
- A high-level, understandable description of what a program is supposed to do
- Don't worry about the details, worry about the structure.
这里提到了一种方法叫作区间测试Interval Testing,其用于检查程序在特定输入区间内的行为。
Java Interface
- Manipulate objects, without knowing how they work
- Useful when you have similar but not identical objects
- Useful when you want to use code written by others
- Set of classes that share methods
- declare an interface with the common methods
- Interface only have methods, only definition (called signatures) without codes
- A class can implement any number of interface